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2600 Video Console - Wood - 6-switch - "Stella"
- 1977
The original wood grain 6 Switcher! It is the first 2600 system made by
ATARI with
wood decor, 6 switches and build in 1977 by ATARI-WONG LTD! It is a NTSC Version so I was not able to test it - untested without guarantee. Comes without 9
Volt power supply, most collectors have this at
home, the TV-cable is added to the console.
A new generation of games was born in the summer of
1977, a new concept revolutionizing leisure will let
small leading and foreseeing companies make billions
of dollars. Although the Atari VCS is not the first
video game console ever, it will become a star while
beginning in November of 1977. Millions of young players
will hold it as mankind?s best invention ever. The first
console idea was developed in 1975 by Atari and Warner
Bros, its parent company.
Initially the console was set to come with an integrated
ROM game, but at the last minute, Atari preferred a
cartridge version. This game was Combat (not included).
Most importantly, this first cartridge will allow console
owners to wait a few months for the release of new games.
A first series of 8 will be followed later by many,
among them, the famous Space Invaders (not included),
a title giving Atari global success and will cash in
more then $100 millions.
External Links:
2600 Video Console - Wood - 6-switch - "Stella"
- 1977
ATARI 2600 - die wirklich
erste Version im Holzdekor mit 6 Switches, gebaut von
"ATARI-WONG LTD" - es ist eine NTSC Version, kommt daher ungetestet! Kommt ohne 9 Volt AC-Adapter, den
hat jeder Sammler sowieso Zuhause, das Antennenkabel
ist fest an der Konsole befestigt.
Die Atari 2600 war eine Spielkonsole der
Firma Atari, zunächst auch bekannt als "VCS"
für Video Computer System. 1977, noch unter Bushnell's
Leitung, brachte Atari eine der erfolgreichsten und
am längsten produzierte Spielkonsole der Welt heraus:
Das Video Computer System (Entwicklungsname "Stella").
Technisch den Konkurrenten unterlegen, hatte es durch
die riesige Spieleauswahl aber die meisten Käufer
Externe Links

CX-2600 Heavy Sixer - ATARI-Wong 2600 - NTSC Version
