- Mac 68k F.A.Q.
The Apple 1 - why was it priced at $666.66
- Woz's answer!
Why was the Apple I priced
at $666.66 ?
Subject: The Apple 1 - why was it priced at
$666.66 - Woz's answer!
Date: 20 Jun 1999 00:46:45 GMT Info Source:
About the answer I got from Woz on why the
retail price for the Apple 1 was
set at $666.66, with the 'Pirates of Silicon
Valley' being aired on TV tomorrow
(6/20/99) and everybody seeming to think the
price has something to do with the
satanic number of 666, (which it doesn't) - I
thought I'd set the records
straight on that and another rumor on the founding
date of Apple Computer also.
Please read below for the review of the facts
as they were related to me by
Woz, face to face back in 1996.
This is an email reply I sent to another newsgroup
reader a few days ago, who
wanted to know the real reason the Apple 1 was
priced at $666.66.
At 00:24 14/06/99 EDT
>Hi Mike,
>Why wait for me to get off of my old pokey
mode to post the correct answer
>that Woz told me, when I asked him why?
>Here goes and can even post it
to the newsgroup if you would. I'm
>just not in a proper mood now to make any
such post.
>Back in 1996, during one of my visits to
his office to discuss the goings on
>with the A2 worlds current state, I asked
Woz - Why was the Apple 1, priced
>for sale at $666.66? I then interjected with
the comment -> surely it's not
>something that has to do with the number
of the beast or some such satanic
>meaning is it?
>He laughed and told me that when he and Jobs
came to an agreement on the
>retail sales price for the Apple 1 of $666.66
- he didn't even realize that
>the 666 number was in any way related to
Satan and it had nothing to do at
>all with the '666' number of the beast or
anything pertaining to satanic
>stuff. He said: "I simply like triple
digit numbers with all the things I'm
>involved with, the cost of making the Apple
1 was around $540 or there a
>bouts and we agreed on the best markup, retail
price above the cost of
>building it, which worked out to $666.
>Jobs then tacked on the 66 cents to make
it an eye-catcher price for the ads
>with the sale and promotion publications
of it to the public.
>Another interesting side fact I asked him
also was why did you found Apple
>Computer on April Fools day. He replied that
it was not founded on 4/1 at
>all, but that the Corp. papers were file
around 4/4 or perhaps even on 4/5
>and he doesn't know where the rumor of Apple
Computer being founded on 'April
>Fools Day' came from, nor just who got that
rumor started, but, his Corp.
>filing papers for the Incorperation of Apple
Computer were dated several
days after 4/1.
>So there you have the facts and the truth
of it all - as told to me face to
>face by Woz back in 1996.
>Take care and have a great week.
See a Video that speaks for itself: : Wozniak:
$666.66 seemed like a good idea

Wired Magazine online has a great news story
about the Apple 1 (the 'VERY
FIRST' Apple 1 ever sold from Apple at that)
which even features a link 'Apple 1' to
my very own GS WorldView cover story on the Apple1
with Woz's reply on it's
authenticity and some great 256 color GIF pictures
of it. This same Wired
Magazine online news review of the 'First Apple
1' going up for auction soon
in San Francisco features a nice quote and information
on it all from
USA2WUG founding member Sam Ismail.
Go check it out. It's all rather historical
and interesting to read.
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