Steve "WOZ" Wozniak and Oliver from myoldmac.net
at Computer Gaming Museum Berlin | March 2013
I am very impressed with the site.
I really enjoyed it. Keep up the good work.

Steve Wozniak, 08/02/2007
to myoldmac.net - based in Germany, Berlin.
This page is online since January 2004, the
20th birth month of the Macintosh.
Here you will find those rare and vintage 68k Macintosh and Apple II items you have been looking for.
The Apple related sites are designed in "System
7 on a 1-bit Screen" style,
using Rebecca Bettencourt´s Font "Los Altos" from the Urban Renewal Font set. Commodore pages are designed in "Commodore
64 running GEOS" style. The Diverse pages are designed in "ATARI
TOS" style. As a serious collector, I follow the Classic
Computer Collector's Code of Conduct (CCCCC). I hope you
enjoy this page, please leave a message in
the Guestbook.
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here to find banners.
This site features a Blank
Page according to the
recommendations of the TPILB-Project.
If you have any ideas as to how I can improve
the site please e-mail me, as I will see what
I can do about it. For the rest of the people
that stop by I welcome any feedback from you.
I work on this site, so if you find a bug, please
use the contact form
to let me know. Please include your used System
and Browser so I can figure out what happened.
Sincerely yours, ,

Me and my old "J.C. Manock" Mac - signed by the original case designer
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