GEOS, an astounding software product line from Berkeley
Softworks, breathed new life into Commodore's 8-bit
computers (the C64, C128) at a time when sales of 8
bit boxes were beginning to sag. As a graphical operating
system, GEOS ripped-off its look-and-feel from the novel
Apple Macintosh. Circa 1986, Mac-like gadgets, icons,
menus, desktops, and windows were a fresh phenomenon
in personal computing. These interfaces made technology
much easier to use. With GEOS, your C64 could do more
than games. You could actually get work done with it.
Or so the theory went.
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The Commodore / Amiga related sites are designed in "GEOS V.2.0" style,
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in MacOS style and diverse in ATARI TOS style.
If you have any ideas as to how I can improve the
site please e-mail me, as I will see what I can do about
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