Memory of Steve Jobs and Jef Raskin...
- Japanese Version - 
Oliver Soehlke & Lukas Pajonczek, translated
by Yuki Nakata from
The WebSE is a homage to the
most innovative system in computer history.
The official release date for System 7.0 was
April 1991 in the US and June 1991 in Europe.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Macintosh
computer, we published the WebSE on-line - on
January, 24. 2004. This Internet
version is not ROM-based and only a graphic
replica of the original Apple Macintosh
SE system version 7.0. The WebSE offers
a simulation of System 7 on a Macintosh
SE or MacPlus natural 1 Bit display, with
some extensions and some limitations. Do
not take this to serious. If you are interested:
see the country statistic
of WebSE users. Sign
up to our News List.
To boot the WebSE, click the following link
Test drive a Macintosh
This is the original Ad (©
Apple), promoting the "Test drive a Macintosh"
Thanks to Marcin Wichary for the