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Rubik's Illusion - 2 Player Game -
Good Condition -
Here you find other
vintage computer collectors items.
Here you can buy an ultra rare Rubiks
Illusion, a Strategy game for 2 players. Publisher:
Matchbox, 1989. Complete with the multilanguage game
instructions. Good condition. Measures 2 1/4"
x 2 1/4"
- Two-player abstract strategy board game;
- The board is constructed as eight playing spaces
wide, by four real playing spaces deep, with a mirror
at the far edge of the board making the total depth
of play eight spaces.
The game board has 64 cases; 32 physical and 32 "virtual"
(due to a perpendicularly attached mirror). Players
take turns to place, move or turn color pieces. Some
pieces will reflect the opponent's color in the mirror,
these pieces change color with a 180 degree turn. To
win, a player must form a line of 5 pieces of his/her
color (straight or diagonally, on the physical board,
in the mirror or across the mirror).
Download Rubiks Illusion game
instruction manual here.
I also sell an original Rubik´s-
Magic -
Tangle - Signed
Master Cube - Clock
- Babylon Tower
- Link Puzzler and
External International links:
Rubik's Illusion - Brett Strategiespiel für 2
Spieler, 1989 - 
Hier finden Sie meine anderen
Computer Sammlerstücke.
Das seltene Rubiks Illusion, komplett in sehr gutem
Zustand. Sehen Sie die Photos. Die Spielanweisungen
sind enthalten. Dieses Brettspiel ist für 2 Personen!
Downloaden Sie das Rubiks Illusion Spiel
Anleitung hier.

Rubiks Illusion, Matchbox 1989 - in good
Rubiks Illusion, Matchbox 1989 - in gutem Zustand

Complete with game instructions, mirror
is unscratched in good condition
Komplett mit Spielanleitung, Spiegel ist unzerkratzt
in gutem Zustand