and other Puzzles
the best web links at myoldmac.net |
Here you find a lot of links that I've
found useful - the current coolest Rubik´s and
Puzzle´s related links on the planet. A selection
of excellent links have been provided below for your
perusal. Please report dead links.
Rubiks 2x2 - The Poket Cube - buy
it !
Rubiks 3x3 - the Standard cube - buy
it !
Rubiks 4x4 - Rubik´s Master Cube
aka Rubik´s Revenge - buy
it !
sell a Revenge Cube signed by its inventor !
Diverse Puzzles
Rubik´s Magic Rings - buy it !
Rubiks Clock - buy
it !
Rubiks Illusion - buy
it !
Babylon Tower - buy
it !
Alexanders Star - buy
it !
Link Puzzler - buy
it !
Meffert´s Pyraminx - Pyramid - buy
it !
Geomaster Masterball aka Rainbow Ball - buy
General Puzzle Pages
Speedcubing Pages