Sie die deutsche Beschreibung
Rubiks Pocket Cube 2x2x2 by Professor
Ernö Rubik
Here you can buy an original Rubiks
Poket Cube (2x2) from the 1980th sold by ITC in the
USA, made in Taiwan. This Rubik's cube rotates smoothly
- it has a few little scratches - but altogether is
in good condition, see the photos.
This item would make a tremendous gift for or would
be a fantastic addition to any collection - get this
excellent piece here for a great price! The original
cube is a collectors item and has found its way to the
actual MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York! Photo
of the Cube at MoMA in N.Y. CITY, USA - © 2005
I also sell an original Rubik´s-
Magic -
Tangle - Signed
Master Cube - Clock
- Babylon Tower
- Link Puzzler and
3,674,160 combinations
- 1 solution (info)
The pocket cube was patented by Ernö Rubik on
29 March 1983, US
4,378,117. This puzzle is a simpler version of the
Rubik's Cube. It goes under various names, such as Mini
Cube and Pocket Cube. The puzzle is built from 8 smaller
cubes, i.e. a 2×2×2 cube. Each face can
rotate, which rearranges the 4 small cubes at that face.
The six sides of the puzzle are coloured, so every small
cube shows three colours. This puzzle is equivalent
to just the corners of the normal Rubik's cube. It is
a little confusing though, because there are no face
centres to use as a reference point.

It is the little brother of the world's best selling
original, Rubik's Cube. Although its pocket size is
less intimidating in appearance, it still provides a
perplexing challenge. This Rubik's Cube is the very
special, 2 x 2 cube puzzle with each side a solid color
when you receive it. Rubik's Mini Cube offers the same
geometric and logical skills building as its larger
sibling. Erno Rubik and his famous Rubik Cubes have
fascinated puzzle fans around the world since 1980.
Nearly one in every five people in the world has twisted,
jumbled and enjoyed this immensly popular puzzle.

Rubik and his Cube
The Rubiks Cube at MoMA
- New York |
Many similar puzzles were released shortly
after the Rubik's Cube, both from Rubik himself and
from other sources, including the Rubik's
Revenge, a 4×4×4 version of the Rubik's
Cube. There are also 5×5×5 cubes (known
as the Rubik's Professor, respectively), and puzzles
in other shapes, such as the Pyraminx, a tetrahedron.
Why you should not buy a cheap cube clone ? The quality
is mostly bad and the cube will be defect after a few
hours of playing. Have a look here, I played around
4 hours with this clone
cube before it broke.
The number of positions:
There are 8 pieces, with 3 orientations each, giving
a maximum of 8!·38 positions. This limit is not
reached because:
The total twist of the cubes is fixed (3)
the orientation of the puzzle does not matter (24)
This leaves 7!·36 = 3,674,160 positions.
Every position can be solved in at most 11 moves (or
14 if a half turn is considered to be two moves). Many
people have used a computer search to find God's Algorithm,
i.e. the shortest solution for each position, as far
back as 1981.
Rubiks Pocket Cube 2x2x2 / Zauberwürfe von Professor
Ernö Rubik
Kaufen Sie einen original Rubiks Pocket Cube aus den
1980er Jahren. Der Cube ist in gutem Zustand (siehe
Photo des Cubes). Der Rubiks Cube hat es schon in
die aktuelle MoMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York
geschafft, sehen Sie hier ein Photo
des MoMA Cubes.
Das Original. Bei diesem Artikel besonders wichtig,
da durch das häufige Drehen die Buchsen stark beansprucht
werden. Der Zauberwürfel fördert das räumliche
Vorstellungsvermögen und das strategische Denken.
Dieses Spielzeug fordert den Mathematikprofessor genauso
wie begabte Kinder!
Was ist der Zauberwürfel?
Der Zauberwürfel ist ein Denkspiel / ein Drehpuzzle
in Würfelform. Er heißt auch Magic Cube oder
nach seinem Erfinder Rubik's Cube.

Original Rubiks Pocket Cube - 1980th
- for sale! Early version with Logo.
Original Rubiks Cube - 1980er - zum Verkauf. Seltene
Version mit Logo.
Rubiks Cube in the actual MoMA Collection in New York
(not for sell...)
Rubiks´s Cube im MoMA in New York (Steht nicht
zum Verkauf) |