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Rubiks Magic Rings by Professor Ernö
Rubik -

Here you find other
vintage computer collectors items.
Here you can buy an original Rubik's Magic,
a mechanical puzzle invented by the Hungarian sculptor
and professor of architecture Erno Rubik and first manufactured
by Matchbox in the mid-1980s. This is an 1980s original
in great condition. Please see the photos.
This amazing puzzle consists of 8 tiles
arranged in a 2×4 rectangle. They are connected
to each other by wires that run in diagonal grooves
on the tiles alternatively under and over them. If two
of the tiles lie on top of each other, the wires allow
them to be unfolded in two perpendicular directions
provided connections to the other tiles do not restrict
the movements. The kind of wire arrangement can also
be found in certain wallets which can be opened in two
different directions because of the ribbons connecting
the two halves. Ernö Rubik was granted a US patent
on 11 August 1987 (US
4,685,680), but there is an earlier Hungarian patent
(19 Mar 1985, HU 1211/85).
On one side of the tiles is a picture of three separate
rings. On the other side is a mixed up picture of three
linked rings. The aim is to link the rings by unscrambling
this other side. When solved, its shape is a 3×3
square with one corner missing.
The original version of Rubik's Magic is black with
rainbow coloured rings, and was made by Matchbox in
the mid-eighties. Rubik has recently released it again,
this time manufactured by Oddzon, but now it is red
with yellow rings. In 1987 there was also a Master
Edition which has 2×6 silver coloured tiles
and has 5 rings on each side, but there the rings must
be unlinked. One quite rare version of Rubik's Magic
was 'Create the Cube', in which the 8 tiles where coloured
differently, and the aim was to make the cube shape
so that the colours matched.
I also sell an original Rubik´s-
Magic -
Tangle - Signed
Master Cube - Clock
- Babylon Tower
- Link Puzzler and
Rubiks Magic Rings von Professor Ernö Rubik

Hier finden Sie meine anderen
Computer Sammlerstücke.
Hier können Sie die original Rubiks Magic Rings
erwerben - die Originalausgabe von Matchbox in einem
super Zustand.
Rubik's Magic ist ein Klappspiel für eine Person,
bei dem man ein Rechteck aus 8=4x2 Quadraten durch eine
Folge von Klappungen in ein Sechseck in Herzform verwandeln
soll. Dabei müssen sich drei freie Ringe auf der
Vorderseite in drei ineinander verschlungene Ringe auf
der Rückseite verwandeln. Das erste Magic von Matchbox
aus den achtziger Jahren ist schwarz und hat die gleichen
Ringe, ist allerdings schöner wegen der Regenbogenfarben.
Ich verkaufe auch noch Rubiks-
- Signierter
Master Cube - Magic
- Tangle - Clock
- Link Puzzler und

Original Rubiks Magic Rings, 1980s!
Early Matchbox version, soved
Original Rubiks Magic Rings, 1980er seltene erste Matchbox