Apple Ethernet CS Thin Coax
Card - M2708Z/A - 820-0537-B
The Apple Ethernet CS Thin Coax Card expands
the communications capabilities of models of Macintosh
computers that have a communications slot (CS).
The card is designed for networks that conform
to the IEEE 802.3 standard for Ethernet. To connect
to an Ethernet network, you must also install
EtherTalk software (not included). Download the
Network driver at
The Apple Ethernet CS Thin Coax Card works only
with Macintosh System 7 or later. For best performance
your system should have at least 4 megabytes (MB)
of random-access memory.
The card works with all Macintosh´s with
a Communication Slot (CS), such as the Mac LC
575 and 630, Quadra 630; and Performa 575, 577,
578, 630, 635, 636, and 638 models. Supports:
AppleTalk, TCP/IP, Mac IPX, OSI, and DECnet. Adapts
to any standard Ethernet cable environment.
Download the Ether network driver at

Ethernet CS Thin Coax Card - M2708Z/A - 820-0537-B
Für folgende Modelle: Alle Macintosh´s
mit einem Communication Slot (CS), wie zum Beispiel
der Mac LC 575 und 630, Quadra 630; und Performa
575, 577, 578, 630, 635, 636, und 638.
Downloaden Sie den Treiber bei
Lesen Sie das
Ethernet CS Thin Coax Card Manual von Apple

Model type on the card - © by Apple 1993
- 820-0537-B
Modellangabe auf der Karte - © by Apple 1993
- 820-0537-B

Apple Ethernet CS Thin Coax Card