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NeXT Mono Station System with 1 MegaPixel Display -

What the buyer says: "The NeXT has arrived, it is absolute how i thought it should be."

Here is the new home of this NeXT Computer:

When Steve Jobs left Apple, he decided to create the best computer possible.

The result is the NeXT copmuter.

This prodigious computer impressed a lot of people when it was presented! Its technical features, its object oriented operating system and its graphical interface, even its black case were very far from the standards (remember how many black-cased computers there were in 1988: not many)! And NeXTStep is always considered as a reference. It was sold with a lot of great programs and a very powerful 400 dpi laser printer. Some technical features were a bit strange (grayscale display, no floppy drive, no hard disk), but were modified in the next generation with the NeXT Station and the NeXT Cube 040. NeXT also released later the NeXTdimension for the Cube. It is a board based on an intel860, wich offers a true 32bit Postcript color display and video sampling features. You could buy the NeXTdimension board alone or a NeXTcube upgraded with it, sometimes refered as "color Cube".

Complete system includes original NeXT MonoStation (pizza box) with 32 MB RAM and 2 GB HD!, the legendary NeXT monitor, NeXT Keyboard, NeXT Mouse, NeXT Manual (German and English !) and NeXT STEP original package (bno disks). All parts are in very good condition (see photos). Comes with original NeXT 17" Megapixel Monitor including original cables, featuring the award winning Frog Design Magnesium Stand. Please note ; the Monitor is Engineered specifically for use with NeXT Mono workstations and NeXT cubes. 1120 x 832 resolution with 92 dpi.

View the original Brochure for the NeXT MonoStation

Historic facts about NeXT Computer

The opportunity to own a NeXT computer was just a dream for most of us in the past. As original 68030Mhz NeXT Cubes commanded a $9,995 base model introductory price. It was a worthwhile investment for those that made it in the long run as NeXT technology years ahead of its time has always been stable and eay to use. NeXT computers are classic and still very cool even by today's standards, they still hold their own. The 2nd reason availability as only 50,000 NeXT's Computers were manufactured in total from 1988 to 1993 Q1 and a few more the Summer of 1993 finding one was a challenge at the time.

USA Weekend Edition 12/31/1999 put NeXT workstations and cubes as one of the top 26 most collectable items in new Millennium , so the value will only go up , unlike those old 286's or 386's running dos spawned in the same era.

The NeXT computer is the roots or foundation of Steve Jobs dream project dubbed the reality distortion field and in my opinion was a very successful endeavor to make the coolest machine around as Pat Crecine said, "Steve came to me after leaving Apple at CMU and said he wanted to make the best computer in the world for academic computing." From this thought was spawned the vision for the NeXT computer.

Specifically NeXT's mission was to secretly to the point of ridiculous , successfully manufacture the best personal computer in world. NeXT accomplished this with Jobs at the lead. After flying Jolly Roger at Apple over disagreements about the future of Job's pet Macintosh project; Steve Jobs left Apple in 1985, over disagreements with the CEO John Sculley in philosophy and direction that Apple should take; after Steve left Apple ; Apple went into a tailspin .

Specifically Steve's brilliant vision of a new object oriented operating system, developer environment and amazing 100% perfection in a the final product a personal computer were in his future plans for Mac and so he left Apple with this thought in mind. Our rebel crew has been following Jobs journey to NeXT and the development of the dream machine , he has been our hero ever since and NeXT hardware still rules!

In 1996 Apple Computer bought NeXT for $200 million and purchased the assets of NeXT Software in order to use NeXTSTEP to replace the now outdated Mac OS, but it would be a long four years before it would be released as Mac OS X (with OpenStep re-appearing as Cocoa). Steve Jobs returned to Apple as a consultant, then as interim CEO (or "iCEO", echoing the name of Apple's new ironically floppy-drive-less iMac consumer hardware), and finally as CEO. With him, he brought most of the NeXT executives, who replaced their Apple counterparts. Industry commentators summarized this by referring to the acquisition as "NeXT getting paid to buy Apple".


Deutsch: NeXT MonoStation System -

Was der Käufer sagt: " Der NeXT ist angekommen, er ist genau so wie ich es erwartet hatte."

Hier hat der NeXT ein neues Zuhause gefunden, siehe:

Modell aus der ersten Serie aus dem Hause NeXT von Steve Jobs. Ausgeliefert im schwarzen Magnesiumgehäuse von Hartmut Esslinger von frog Design Deutschland und mit einem Signal- und Channelprozessor. In der Monochromeversion kostete die "NeXTStation" mit einem 17" Monitor um die 10.000 €, mit einem 16" Farbmonitor stieg der Preis auf ca DM 14000.-. Nicht gerade der Computer für die große Masse, jedoch am absoluten Rand des technisch machbaren. Das System besteht aus: NeXT MonoStation (pizza box) mit 32 MB RAM und 2 GB HD!, dem legendären NeXT monitor, NeXT Keyboard, NeXT Mouse, NeXT Benutzerhandbuch und NeXT STEP original Verpackung (keine Disks). Siehe Photos

Steven Jobs verließ Apple im Mai 1985 und gründet schließlich 1986 ein neues Unternehmen mit Namen NeXT Computer Inc.. Apple überzieht Jobs mit Prozessen, aber kann nichts gegen das neue Unternehmen ausrichten. Es ist schon erstaunlich, daß ein 2 Mrd. Dollar schweres Unternehmen mit über 4300 Angestellten nichts gegen sechs Leute ausrichten kann.

  • Mai 85: Steve Jobs wird als Leiter der Macintosh-Entwicklungsabteilung abgesetzt
  • Juli 85: Jobs beginnt mit dem schrittweisen Verkauf seiner 7,5 Millionen Apple-Aktien, die insgesamt rund 90 Millionen Dollar wert sind. Aus Sentimentalität behält er eine einzige.
  • September 85: Am Freitag, den 13ten verläßt Jobs mit fünf Entwicklern seine Firma Apple und gründet NeXT Inc.
  • Februar 86: Der Milliardär Ross Parrot beteiligt sich mit 20 Millionen Dollar an Next Inc., da Jobs das finanzielle Risiko nicht alleine tragen will. August 88: Als erstes Produkt stellt NeXT 900 T-Shirts mit dem Firmen-Logo her.
  • Oktober 88: Steve Jobs stellt in der mit 3000 geladenen Gästen randvollen Davis Symphony Hall in San Francisco den NeXT vor. Er wird aber erst ab 1989 verkauft.

Als Bill Gates gefragt wird, ob Microsoft Software für NeXTStep entwickeln wird, antwortet dieser: "Develop for it? I'll piss on it" (Antwort auf die Frage von Peggy Watt (InfoWorld), Accodental Empires, Seite 311). NeXT wird der viertgrößte Lieferant von Unix Workstations in den USA. Auf einem solchen Cube hat Tim Berners Lee das WWW entwickelt. Er ist bis heute einer der schönsten und mit NeXTStep bzw. OpenStep auch einer der freundlichsten Computer die es je gab.

Happy Computer Artikel von 1990 über NeXT Computer - stcarchiv.de

NeXT MonoStation - Tech Facts
Markteinführung 1990
Prozessor Motorola 68040
Taktung 25 MHz
RAM / ROM 8MB bis 32MB (32MB RAM installiert) / 128KB
Tastatur US Schreibmaschine mit 84 Tasten
Betriebssystem NeXTStep (Unix-Variante mit GUI) deutsch
Massenspeicher 3,5" FDD mit 2,8MB, 2 Gigabyte HD (unglaublich aber war)
Grafik / Text 1120 x 832, Monocrome, 92 dpi
Sound 16 Bit Stereo
Damaliger Neupreis DM 10.000 (mit 17" Monochrom-Monitor)
Verbreitung sehr gering

NeXT MonoStation with NeXT MegaPixel Monitor - great condition. The log in pass is known.
Die NeXT MonoStation in gutem Zustand, das NeXT STEP Passwort ist mir bekannt.

The Monitor from the site view - designed by Mr. Hartmut Esslinger from frog Design, Germany.
Der NeXT von der Seite mit dem legendären Monitor von frog Design Deutschland.

MegaPixel Display - info on the backside -
Der seltene monocrome MegaPixel Display von 1991


The booting system - note: there is a 2100 MB (2 gigabyte) Disk inside !
Das bootende System, später startet dann NeXTSTEP - Bitte beachten: es ist eine 2 Gigabyte Platte in dem NeXT.

The NeXT Step original package, one driver disks and a copied CD- you also see the German Manual and the NeXT Mouse again.
Die original NeXT Step Verpackung (mit Treiber Disk und kopierter CD) und nochmal die NeXT Mouse.

The English Manuals, from left top to right bottom: Release Notes, Setup and Tutorial, original Package, Applications, User´s Reference, Network and System Administration. Die englischen Manuals.


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