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Rubik´s Snake - build by Politoys,
Hungaria in 1981 -
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vintage computer collectors items.
Rubik's Snake is a related toy from the inventor of
Rubik's Cube. It is really more of a kinetic sculpture
object than a magic puzzle. This is a very large Rubik
"Snake in Ball" and has the original dome
shaped container. It was made in Hungaria in 1981 and
is a very hard to find now. This Rubik's Cubic has the
form of a Snake and it is packed in the plastic Ball
of the diameter 4.6 inches. The Snake puzzle that can
be twisted to different shapes with some imagination,
e.g., animals or abstract shapes, straight line or ball.
This is an original from the 1980s and the angles are
sometime stiff, needs some playing.
From Wikipedia:
A Rubik's Snake (also Rubik's Twist) is a toy with
twenty-four wedges shaped like right isosceles triangular
prisms. The wedges are connected such that they can
be twisted, but not separated. Through this twisting,
the Rubik's Snake can attain positions including a straight
line, a ball (technically a nonuniform rhombicuboctahedron),
a dog, a rectangle, or a snake.
I also sell an original Rubik´s-
Cube - Magic - Tangle - Signed Master
Cube - Babylon
Tower - Link Puzzler and more!
External links:
Rubik´s Snake - by Politoys in
original Verpackung - 
Hier finden Sie meine anderen
Computer Sammlerstücke.
Author: Erno Rubik ~ Publishers: Politoys, Hungary,
Rubik's Snake (auch Rubik's Twist, Rubik's Transformable Snake, Rubik’s Snake Puzzle) ist ein Spielzeug, welches aus 24 hintereinander verbundenen, dreiseitig geraden Prismen besteht. Die Prismen können zueinander verdreht werden, so dass verschiedene Formen und Figuren entstehen.
Ausgangspunkt ist meist die gerade Linie, aus der mit wenigen Drehungen Figuren wie eine Schlange, eine Katze, ein Hund, ein Ball und viele weitere fantasievolle Formen gebildet werden können.
Ich verkaufe auch noch Rubiks-
Zauberwürfel - Signierter
Master Cube - Magic - Tangle - Link
Puzzler und mehr!

Erno Rubik´s Snake k in good condition
(bit stiff) in original box, solverd condition
Erno Rubik´s Snake in gutem Zustand
(etwas schwergängig) in original Verpackung
Author: Erno Rubik ~ Publishers: Politoys, Hungray, 1981 |